Vision Statement 2020
- Multi-fold enhancement of skill development activities through upgradation of infrastructure facilities, setting up of extension and franchisee centres for outreach programmes.
- Fostering growth of msmes by providing techno-managerial support services in engineering and allied fields through lean manufacturing, design clinics, incubators, ict-tools, etc.
- To become internationally acclaimed centres of excellence in the area of core competencies providing solutions in product design & development, manufacturing, skill development & upgradation and project consultancy.
- Developing competitive edge through adoption of best manufacturing practices such as virtual manufacturing, direct digital manufacturing, etc.
- Adopt e-teaching practices including latest web-based technologies for outreach skill development activities.
- Establish brand image of msme-institutions for skill certification.
- Develop value-added bridging courses by twinning arrangements with reputed institutes and organisations both national/international.
- Organizational restructuring including continuous hrd to meet new challenges.
- Focus on guiding trainees especially from socially disadvantaged sections of the society for improving employment potential including self-employment.
- Total self-sufficiency with sustained growth.