List of Selected candidates for admission to DTDM & DIM 2023-24
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Online Skill Test Click Here
Mandatory Disclosures – AICTE (Annexure 10) Click Here
Applications are invited for the following posts: Principal Director, (FFDC), Kannauj (U.P), Director, (CFTI), Agra (U.P), Principal Director, (CDGI), Firozabad (U.P)
Walk-in-Interview for the post of Hardware & Networking with CCNA Training Faculty
Walk-in-Interview for the post of CNC Training Faculty
One Week Management Development Programme on Laboratory Quality Management System & Internal Audit
Walk-in-Interview for the Post of - Faculty for Graphics and Web Designer and Faculty for Hardware & Networking
Recruitment for the post of Principal Director, (CIHT) Jalandhar; Principal Director, (PPDC) Meerut; General Manager, (IDTR) Jamshedpur & Principal Director, (CDGI) Firozabad
Admission to NCVET Approved NSQF Compliance Long / Medium Term Courses
Walk-in-Interview for the post of Mobilization Executive, CNC Faculty & Tool Room Assistant
Admission Notice for Free Training Programme (ESDP Programme 2024-25)
Admission Notice for Free Training Program Under PMKVY- 4.0 (2024-25)
Welcome to MSME Tool Room Kolkata
In today’s fast paced global business scenario, technology has become more vital than ever before. Its development and absorption are the key ingredients for the overall economic development of a nation. This is even more relevant in the context of developing countries where technological development and employment generation have to go hand in hand.
With a view to foster the growth of the SME sector in the country, MSME Tool Room, Kolkata (Central Tool Room & Training Centre), has been established under Technical Co-operation Programme between Governments of India and Denmark. MSME Tool Room, Kolkata provides invaluable technological support to the Industry and ensures that Tool Room technology keeps pace with the rapid growth of Industry which aims at rapid growth of micro, small & medium scale sector through:
Provision of common facilities in CAD/CAM/CAE/CNC Machines/Vacuum Heat Treatment furnace,
- Product design and development,
- Design and fabrication of moulds and dies,
- Design and manufacturing of jigs & fixtures,
- Design and construction of press tools,
- Design and manufacturing of gauges,
- High precision machining and supply of metal components,
- Consultancy in mould proving, mould repair and mould maintenance,
- Design and conducting of skill development training programmes in tool & die and allied engineering trades.

- GST (Goods & Services Tax)
- Model GST LAW
- GST Concept & Status
- FAQ on GST
- PPT on GST
- Draft Return Rules
- Draft Return Formats
- ITC Mismatch Report
- Draft Refund Rules
- Draft Refund Formats
- Draft Registration Rules
- Draft Registration Formats
- Draft Payment Rules
- Draft Payment Formats
- Draft Invoice Rules
- Draft Invoice Formats
- Goods and Service Tax- Next Steps
- Goods and Service Tax & MSME